Awesome Maltego Transforms

Awesome Maltego Transforms

Cover by: Andreas Rocha

Local Port Scanner

    def extract_open_ports(nmap_output):
        open_ports = []
        for line in nmap_output.splitlines():
            if "open" in line:
                port = line.split("/")[0]
        return open_ports

    class PortNumber(DiscoverableTransform):

        def create_entities(cls, request: MaltegoMsg, response: MaltegoTransform):
            # Obtain Target Information from Entity
            #request_firstname = request.getProperty("IPAddress")
            request_ip = request.Value
            #red_notice_entity = response.addEntity("yourorganization.InterpolRedNotice")
            #red_notice_entity = response.addEntity("yourorganization.InterpolRedNotice")
            #red_notice_entity.addProperty("IP Address", value = request_ip)
            cmd = ['/usr/local/bin/nmap', '-p-', '--open', request_ip]
            output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
            ip_entity = response.addEntity("maltego.IPv4Address")
            ip_entity.addProperty('output', 'Nmap Output', 'loose', request_ip)
            open_ports = extract_open_ports(output)
            for port in open_ports:
                port_entity = response.addEntity("maltego.Port")
                port_entity.addProperty('port.number', 'Port Number', 'strict', port)


            #output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)

Remote Port Scanner(shodan+censys)

import requests
import json

# Shodan API key

# Censys API credentials

# Shodan transform - Scan IP Address
def shodan_scan(ip):
    url = f"{ip}?key={SHODAN_API_KEY}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data

# Censys transform - Scan IP Address
def censys_scan(ip):
    url = ""
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    data = {
        "query": ip,
    response =, headers=headers, auth=(CENSYS_API_ID, CENSYS_API_SECRET), json=data)
    result = response.json()
    return result

# Shodan transform - Find Similar IPs
def shodan_find_similar_ips(ip):
    url = f"{ip}/similar?key={SHODAN_API_KEY}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data

# Censys transform - Find Similar IPs
def censys_find_similar_ips(ip):
    url = ""
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    data = {
        "query": f"ip:{ip}",
    response =, headers=headers, auth=(CENSYS_API_ID, CENSYS_API_SECRET), json=data)
    result = response.json()
    return result

# Shodan transform - Search Ports by Service
def shodan_search_ports(service):
    url = f"{service}?key={SHODAN_API_KEY}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data

# Censys transform - Search Ports by Service
def censys_search_ports(service):
    url = ""
    headers = {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    data = {
        "query": f"{service}",
    response =, headers=headers, auth=(CENSYS_API_ID, CENSYS_API_SECRET), json=data)
    result = response.json()
    return result

Whois company

import requests

# OpenCorporates transform - WHOIS Company Lookup
def opencorporates_whois_company(company_name):
    url = f"{company_name}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data

# OpenGovUS transform - WHOIS Company Lookup
def opengovus_whois_company(company_name):
    url = f"{company_name}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    return data

# Awesome Geospatial Companies transform - WHOIS Company Lookup
def awesome_geospatial_whois_company(company_name):
    url = ""
    response = requests.get(url)
    data = response.json()
    matching_companies = [company for company in data if company_name.lower() in company["name"].lower()]
    return matching_companies

import requests

# Search Illicit Services transform - Search Data Leakage
def search_illicit_services(query):
    url = f"{query}"
    headers = {
        "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.124 Safari/537.36",
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    data = response.json()
    return data

Whois Company

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# ViewDNS transform - WHOIS Hosting Lookup
def viewdns_whois_hosting(domain):
    url = f"{domain}&t=1"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    table = soup.find("table", {"border": "1"})
    rows = table.find_all("tr")
    hosting_domains = []
    for row in rows[1:]:
        cols = row.find_all("td")
    return hosting_domains

# transform - WHOIS Hosting Lookup
def digital_whois_hosting(domain):
    url = f"{domain}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    hosting_info = soup.find("div", {"id": "whois-result"})
    hosting_domains = hosting_info.text.strip().split("\n")
    return hosting_domains

# DNSlytics transform - Reverse Analytics Lookup
def dnslytics_reverse_analytics(domain):
    url = f"{domain}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    hosting_info = soup.find("table", {"class": "pd"})
    hosting_domains = hosting_info.find_all("td", {"class": "text-monospace"})
    hosting_domains = [domain.text.strip() for domain in hosting_domains]
    return hosting_domains

LinkedIn profiles `site:( | | | | "company"

import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

# TheOrg transform - LinkedIn Profile Search
def theorg_linkedin_search(company_name):
    url = f"{company_name}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    profiles = soup.find_all("a", {"class": "link primary"})
    linkedin_urls = [profile["href"] for profile in profiles if "" in profile["href"]]
    return linkedin_urls

# LinkedIn Sales Navigator transform - LinkedIn Profile Search
def linkedin_sales_search(email):
    url = f"{email}?_l=en_US"
    response = requests.get(url)
    # Process the response as needed
    return response.text

# ImportYeti transform - LinkedIn Profile Search
def importyeti_linkedin_search(company_name):
    url = f"{company_name}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    profile = soup.find("a", {"class": "importyeti-linkedin"})
    linkedin_url = profile["href"] if profile else None
    return linkedin_url

# PeepedIn transform - LinkedIn Profile Search
def peepedin_linkedin_search(company_name):
    url = f"{company_name}&type=Code"
    response = requests.get(url)
    soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")
    profile = soup.find("a", {"class": "link-gray"})
    linkedin_url = profile["href"] if profile else None
    return linkedin_url

# Bing Webmaster transform - Mobile Friendliness Check
def bing_mobile_friendliness_check(url):
    url = f"{url}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    # Process the response as needed
    return response.text

Facebook Username

from MaltegoTransform import *
import random

def generate_random_facebook_data(username):
    # Generate random Facebook data
    profile_url = f"{username}"
    profile_name = "John Doe"
    profile_location = "Unknown"
    profile_friends = random.randint(0, 1000)
    posts = []

    # Generate random posts
    for _ in range(random.randint(1, 5)):
        post = {
            "id": random.randint(1000000000, 9999999999),
            "content": "This is a random Facebook post.",
            "timestamp": "2023-06-23"

    return profile_url, profile_name, profile_location, profile_friends, posts

# Create Maltego entity objects
me = MaltegoTransform()
ma = MaltegoTransform()

# Get input entity
username = sys.argv[1]

# Call the transform function
profile_url, profile_name, profile_location, profile_friends, posts = generate_random_facebook_data(username)

if profile_url:
    # Create Maltego entities with random Facebook data
    me.addEntity("maltego.URL", profile_url).setLinkLabel("Profile URL")

    for post in posts:
        post_entity = me.addEntity("maltego.Facebook.Post", str(post["id"]))
        post_entity.setLinkLabel("Post ID")
        post_entity.addAdditionalFields("content", "Post Content", False, post["content"])
        post_entity.addAdditionalFields("timestamp", "Timestamp", False, post["timestamp"])

    me.addUIMessage("Random Facebook data generated!")
    ma.addUIMessage("No Facebook profile found.")

# Return the results

Whois Email

from MaltegoTransform import *
import requests

def osint_email(email):
    # Perform OSINT on the email address using various websites
    results = []

    # Perform OSINT on
    rocketreach_data = {
        "email": email
    rocketreach_response ="", data=rocketreach_data)
    if rocketreach_response.status_code == 200:
        # Extract relevant information from the response
        # Add entities to the results list

    # Perform OSINT on
    # Make requests and extract information

    # Perform OSINT on
    # Make requests and extract information

    # Perform OSINT on
    # Make requests and extract information

    # Perform OSINT on
    # Make requests and extract information

    # Perform OSINT on
    # Make requests and extract information

    return results

# Create Maltego entity objects
me = MaltegoTransform()
ma = MaltegoTransform()

# Get input entity
email = sys.argv[1]

# Call the transform function
results = osint_email(email)

if results:
    # Create Maltego entities based on the OSINT results
    # Add entities to me

    me.addUIMessage("Email OSINT completed!")
    ma.addUIMessage("No results found.")

# Return the results


from MaltegoTransform import *
import requests

def osint_ifsc(ifsc_code):
    # Perform OSINT on the IFSC code using the website
    results = []

    # Prepare the request
    url = ""
    params = {
        "ifsccode": ifsc_code

    # Send the request
    response = requests.get(url, params=params)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Extract relevant information from the response
        # Add entities to the results list

    return results

# Create Maltego entity objects
me = MaltegoTransform()
ma = MaltegoTransform()

# Get input entity
ifsc_code = sys.argv[1]

# Call the transform function
results = osint_ifsc(ifsc_code)

if results:
    # Create Maltego entities based on the OSINT results
    # Add entities to me

    me.addUIMessage("IFSC code OSINT completed!")
    ma.addUIMessage("No results found.")

# Return the results

from MaltegoTransform import *
import requests

def code_search(query):
    # Perform code search using the website's API
    results = []

    # Prepare the request
    url = ""
    params = {
        "q": query

    # Send the request
    response = requests.get(url, params=params)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Extract relevant information from the response
        # Add entities to the results list

    return results

# Create Maltego entity objects
me = MaltegoTransform()
ma = MaltegoTransform()

# Get input entity
query = sys.argv[1]

# Call the transform function
results = code_search(query)

if results:
    # Create Maltego entities based on the code search results
    # Add entities to me

    me.addUIMessage("Code search completed!")
    ma.addUIMessage("No results found.")

# Return the results

Search Wireless Device Applications

from MaltegoTransform import *
import requests

def wireless_device_application_search(query):
    # Perform wireless device application search using the website
    results = []

    # Prepare the request
    url = "{}".format(query)

    # Send the request
    response = requests.get(url)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Extract relevant information from the response
        # Add entities to the results list

    return results

# Create Maltego entity objects
me = MaltegoTransform()
ma = MaltegoTransform()

# Get input entity
query = sys.argv[1]

# Call the transform function
results = wireless_device_application_search(query)

if results:
    # Create Maltego entities based on the wireless device application search results
    # Add entities to me

    me.addUIMessage("Wireless device application search completed!")
    ma.addUIMessage("No results found.")

# Return the results


from MaltegoTransform import *
import requests

def vehicle_search(query):
    # Perform vehicle search using the website
    results = []

    # Prepare the request
    url = ""
    params = {
        "query": query

    # Send the request
    response = requests.get(url, params=params)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        # Extract relevant information from the response
        # Add entities to the results list

    return results

# Create Maltego entity objects
me = MaltegoTransform()
ma = MaltegoTransform()

# Get input entity
query = sys.argv[1]

# Call the transform function
results = vehicle_search(query)

if results:
    # Create Maltego entities based on the vehicle search results
    # Add entities to me

    me.addUIMessage("Vehicle search completed!")
    ma.addUIMessage("No results found.")

# Return the results

Map & Weather,-93,3...,51.33473,17.74332z,1..,51.397747.. qgis: what distance is suitable best earth for attack satelight:

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Location

class MapSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

class WeatherTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting weather information from the website
        weather_data = get_weather_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for weather information
        location = Location(weather_data['location'])
        location += Location("Latitude: {}".format(weather_data['latitude']))
        location += Location("Longitude: {}".format(weather_data['longitude']))
        location += Location("Temperature: {}°C".format(weather_data['temperature']))
        location += Location("Humidity: {}%".format(weather_data['humidity']))
        location += Location("Wind Speed: {} km/h".format(weather_data['wind_speed']))

        response += location

def get_weather_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve weather data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example weather data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    weather_data = {
        'location': search_query,
        'latitude': 41.8781,
        'longitude': -87.6298,
        'temperature': 25,
        'humidity': 60,
        'wind_speed': 10

    return weather_data

Search Incident

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class IncidentSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting incident information from the website
        incident_data = get_incident_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for incident information
        incident = Phrase(incident_data['title'])
        incident += Phrase(incident_data['description'])

        response += incident

def get_incident_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve incident data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example incident data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    incident_data = {
        'title': 'Example Incident',
        'description': 'This is an example incident description.'

    return incident_data

Google Analytics

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class GoogleAnalyticsSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting Google Analytics information from the website
        analytics_data = get_analytics_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for Google Analytics information
        analytics_id = Phrase(analytics_data['id'])
        analytics_id += Phrase(analytics_data['description'])

        response += analytics_id

def get_analytics_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve Google Analytics data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example Google Analytics data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    analytics_data = {
        'id': 'UA-12345678',
        'description': 'This is a Google Analytics tracking ID.'

    return analytics_data

Building Databases

Building Databases

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class BuildingDatabaseSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting building database information from the websites
        building_data = get_building_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for building information
        for data in building_data:
            building = Phrase(data['title'])
            building += Phrase(data['description'])
            response += building

def get_building_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve building data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example building data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    building_data = [
            'title': 'Building 1',
            'description': 'This is building 1 description.'
            'title': 'Building 2',
            'description': 'This is building 2 description.'
            'title': 'Building 3',
            'description': 'This is building 3 description.'

    return building_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class TrainSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting train information from the website
        train_data = get_train_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for train information
        train = Phrase(train_data['name'])
        train += Phrase(train_data['description'])

        response += train

def get_train_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve train data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example train data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    train_data = {
        'name': 'Example Train',
        'description': 'This is an example train description.'

    return train_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class DrugSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting drug information from the website
        drug_data = get_drug_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for drug information
        drug = Phrase(drug_data['name'])
        drug += Phrase(drug_data['description'])

        response += drug

def get_drug_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve drug data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example drug data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    drug_data = {
        'name': 'Example Drug',
        'description': 'This is an example drug description.'

    return drug_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class MarineSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting marine information from the website
        marine_data = get_marine_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for marine information
        marine = Phrase(marine_data['name'])
        marine += Phrase(marine_data['description'])

        response += marine

def get_marine_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve marine data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example marine data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    marine_data = {
        'name': 'Example Marine',
        'description': 'This is an example marine description.'

    return marine_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class ShipSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting ship information from the websites
        ship_data = get_ship_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for ship information
        ship = Phrase(ship_data['name'])
        ship += Phrase(ship_data['description'])

        response += ship

def get_ship_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve ship data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example ship data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    ship_data = {
        'name': 'Example Ship',
        'description': 'This is an example ship description.'

    return ship_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class TwitterSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting Twitter information from the websites
        twitter_data = get_twitter_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for Twitter information
        twitter = Phrase(twitter_data['username'])
        twitter += Phrase(twitter_data['description'])

        response += twitter

def get_twitter_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve Twitter data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example Twitter data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    twitter_data = {
        'username': 'ExampleUser',
        'description': 'This is an example Twitter user description.'

    return twitter_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class WebsiteSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting website information from the websites
        website_data = get_website_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for website information
        website = Phrase(website_data['name'])
        website += Phrase(website_data['description'])

        response += website

def get_website_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve website data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example website data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    website_data = {
        'name': 'Example Website',
        'description': 'This is an example website description.'

    return website_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class PhoneSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting phone information from the websites
        phone_data = get_phone_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for phone information
        phone = Phrase(phone_data['number'])
        phone += Phrase(phone_data['description'])

        response += phone

def get_phone_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve phone data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example phone data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    phone_data = {
        'number': '1234567890',
        'description': 'This is an example phone number description.'

    return phone_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class SupplierSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting supplier information from the website
        supplier_data = get_supplier_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for supplier information
        supplier = Phrase(supplier_data['name'])
        supplier += Phrase(supplier_data['description'])

        response += supplier

def get_supplier_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve supplier data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example supplier data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    supplier_data = {
        'name': 'Example Supplier',
        'description': 'This is an example supplier description.'

    return supplier_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class FraudSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting fraud information from the website
        fraud_data = get_fraud_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for fraud information
        fraud = Phrase(fraud_data['name'])
        fraud += Phrase(fraud_data['description'])

        response += fraud

def get_fraud_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve fraud data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example fraud data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    fraud_data = {
        'name': 'Example Fraud',
        'description': 'This is an example fraud description.'

    return fraud_data

Red Notices

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class RedNoticeSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting Red Notice information from the website
        red_notice_data = get_red_notice_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for Red Notice information
        red_notice = Phrase(red_notice_data['name'])
        red_notice += Phrase(red_notice_data['description'])

        response += red_notice

def get_red_notice_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve Red Notice data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example Red Notice data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    red_notice_data = {
        'name': 'Example Red Notice',
        'description': 'This is an example Red Notice description.'

    return red_notice_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class SkypeSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting Skype information from the websites
        skype_data = get_skype_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for Skype information
        skype = Phrase(skype_data['username'])
        skype += Phrase(skype_data['description'])

        response += skype

def get_skype_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve Skype data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example Skype data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    skype_data = {
        'username': 'example_skype_username',
        'description': 'This is an example Skype description.'

    return skype_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class YouTubeSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting YouTube information from the websites
        youtube_data = get_youtube_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for YouTube information
        youtube = Phrase(youtube_data['video_title'])
        youtube += Phrase(youtube_data['description'])

        response += youtube

def get_youtube_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve YouTube data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example YouTube data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    youtube_data = {
        'video_title': 'Example Video',
        'description': 'This is an example YouTube video description.'

    return youtube_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class MacSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting MAC address information from the website
        mac_data = get_mac_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for MAC address information
        mac = Phrase(mac_data['vendor'])
        mac += Phrase(mac_data['description'])

        response += mac

def get_mac_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve MAC address data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example MAC address data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    mac_data = {
        'vendor': 'Example Vendor',
        'description': 'This is an example MAC address description.'

    return mac_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class ImeSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting IMEI information from the website
        imei_data = get_imei_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for IMEI information
        imei = Phrase(imei_data['result'])
        imei += Phrase(imei_data['description'])

        response += imei

def get_imei_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve IMEI data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example IMEI data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    imei_data = {
        'result': 'Valid',
        'description': 'This is an example IMEI description.'

    return imei_data

BND Spies & Gmail

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class BndSpiesAndGmailSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting BND Spies and Gmail information from the websites
        bnd_spies_data = get_bnd_spies_data(search_query)
        gmail_data = get_gmail_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for BND Spies and Gmail information
        bnd_spies = Phrase(bnd_spies_data['result'])
        bnd_spies += Phrase(bnd_spies_data['description'])

        gmail = Phrase(gmail_data['result'])
        gmail += Phrase(gmail_data['description'])

        response += bnd_spies
        response += gmail

def get_bnd_spies_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve BND Spies data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example BND Spies data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    bnd_spies_data = {
        'result': 'Found',
        'description': 'This is an example BND Spies description.'

    return bnd_spies_data

def get_gmail_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve Gmail data from the websites based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example Gmail data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    gmail_data = {
        'result': 'Found',
        'description': 'This is an example Gmail description.'

    return gmail_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class UsernameSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting username information from the website
        username_data = get_username_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for username information
        username = Phrase(username_data['result'])
        username += Phrase(username_data['description'])

        response += username

def get_username_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve username data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example username data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    username_data = {
        'result': 'Found',
        'description': 'This is an example username description.'

    return username_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class PeopleSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting people information from the websites
        statista_data = get_statista_data(search_query)
        epieos_data = get_epieos_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for people information
        statista_result = Phrase(statista_data['result'])
        statista_description = Phrase(statista_data['description'])

        epieos_result = Phrase(epieos_data['result'])
        epieos_description = Phrase(epieos_data['description'])

        response += statista_result
        response += statista_description
        response += epieos_result
        response += epieos_description

def get_statista_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve people data from the Statista website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example Statista data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    statista_data = {
        'result': 'Found on Statista',
        'description': 'This is an example Statista description.'

    return statista_data

def get_epieos_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve people data from the EPIEOS website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example EPIEOS data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    epieos_data = {
        'result': 'Found on EPIEOS',
        'description': 'This is an example EPIEOS description.'

    return epieos_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class FlightSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting flight information from the websites
        globe_adsb_data = get_globe_adsb_data(search_query)
        flightradar24_data = get_flightradar24_data(search_query)
        radarbox_data = get_radarbox_data(search_query)
        adsb_nl_data = get_adsb_nl_data(search_query)
        opensky_network_data = get_opensky_network_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for flight information
        globe_adsb_result = Phrase(globe_adsb_data['result'])
        globe_adsb_description = Phrase(globe_adsb_data['description'])

        flightradar24_result = Phrase(flightradar24_data['result'])
        flightradar24_description = Phrase(flightradar24_data['description'])

        radarbox_result = Phrase(radarbox_data['result'])
        radarbox_description = Phrase(radarbox_data['description'])

        adsb_nl_result = Phrase(adsb_nl_data['result'])
        adsb_nl_description = Phrase(adsb_nl_data['description'])

        opensky_network_result = Phrase(opensky_network_data['result'])
        opensky_network_description = Phrase(opensky_network_data['description'])

        response += globe_adsb_result
        response += globe_adsb_description
        response += flightradar24_result
        response += flightradar24_description
        response += radarbox_result
        response += radarbox_description
        response += adsb_nl_result
        response += adsb_nl_description
        response += opensky_network_result
        response += opensky_network_description

def get_globe_adsb_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve flight data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    globe_adsb_data = {
        'result': 'Flight found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return globe_adsb_data

def get_flightradar24_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve flight data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    flightradar24_data = {
        'result': 'Flight found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return flightradar24_data

def get_radarbox_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve flight data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    radarbox_data = {
        'result': 'Flight found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return radarbox_data

def get_adsb_nl_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve flight data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    adsb_nl_data = {
        'result': 'Flight found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return adsb_nl_data

def get_opensky_network_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve flight data from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    opensky_network_data = {
        'result': 'Flight found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return opensky_network_data

The Wayback Machine

import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class WaybackMachineSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URLs
        search_urls = [

        for url in search_urls:
            response.url = url
            response += URL(url)

        # Extracting information from The Wayback Machine websites
        timetravel_data = get_timetravel_data(search_query)
        archive_ph_data = get_archive_ph_data(search_query)
        cachedpages_data = get_cachedpages_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for the search results
        timetravel_result = Phrase(timetravel_data['result'])
        timetravel_description = Phrase(timetravel_data['description'])

        archive_ph_result = Phrase(archive_ph_data['result'])
        archive_ph_description = Phrase(archive_ph_data['description'])

        cachedpages_result = Phrase(cachedpages_data['result'])
        cachedpages_description = Phrase(cachedpages_data['description'])

        response += timetravel_result
        response += timetravel_description
        response += archive_ph_result
        response += archive_ph_description
        response += cachedpages_result
        response += cachedpages_description

def get_timetravel_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve information from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    timetravel_data = {
        'result': 'Information found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return timetravel_data

def get_archive_ph_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve information from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    archive_ph_data = {
        'result': 'Information found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return archive_ph_data

def get_cachedpages_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve information from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    cachedpages_data = {
        'result': 'Information found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return cachedpages_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class TikTokSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting information from the TikTok search website
        tiktok_data = get_tiktok_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for the search result
        tiktok_result = Phrase(tiktok_data['result'])
        tiktok_description = Phrase(tiktok_data['description'])

        response += tiktok_result
        response += tiktok_description

def get_tiktok_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve information from the TikTok search website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example TikTok search data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    tiktok_data = {
        'result': 'Information found on TikTok search',
        'description': 'This is an example TikTok search description.'

    return tiktok_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class PodcastSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting information from the Podcast AI website
        podcast_data = get_podcast_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for the search result
        podcast_result = Phrase(podcast_data['result'])
        podcast_description = Phrase(podcast_data['description'])

        response += podcast_result
        response += podcast_description

def get_podcast_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve information from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    podcast_data = {
        'result': 'Information found on',
        'description': 'This is an example description.'

    return podcast_data


import requests
from maltego_trx.transform import DiscoverableTransform
from maltego_trx.entities import URL, Phrase

class BirdSearchTransform(DiscoverableTransform):
    def create_entities(cls, request, response):
        search_query = request.Value

        # Constructing the search URL
        search_url = "{}?yr=all".format(search_query)

        response.url = search_url
        response += URL(search_url)

        # Extracting information from the eBird website
        bird_data = get_bird_data(search_query)

        # Creating Maltego entities for the search result
        bird_result = Phrase(bird_data['result'])
        bird_description = Phrase(bird_data['description'])

        response += bird_result
        response += bird_description

def get_bird_data(search_query):
    # Code to retrieve information from the website based on the search query
    # Replace this with your own implementation or use an appropriate library

    # Example eBird data (replace with actual data retrieval)
    bird_data = {
        'result': 'Information found on eBird',
        'description': 'This is an example eBird description.'

    return bird_data